8911 West 95th St • Palos Hills, IL 60465

Phone (708) 448-6180 



FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Requests

Requests for information from the public records of SWCD may be made by US Mail, email, fax or a form (available on request or download here).  Note fees may be accessed as FOIA permits (http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=85&ChapterID=2). 


Laura Flisk – Administrative Assistant

The public can request FOIA information either by sending a request in writing or via email.

By Mail

Southwest Central Disptach
Attn:  FOIA Officer

8911 W. 95th St.
Palos Hills, IL 60465

By Email

FOIA Requests -- click here to send email -->  SWCD FOIA REQ

Information on Board & Records Available

For a list of Board members, types of records available and fulfillment policy, please open or download the following document: Records Available

Nature of Records Requested

Please indicate in your request the type of public records you are requesting.  Refer to the Records Available document above. Include the date, category, documents and description of the data you are requesting.  Please indicate if you wish to inspect the requested records or wish a copy of them.